Some notes I’ve written on various topics.
- Scale Decompositions for Euclidean Quantum Field Theory (notes).
- De Giorgi and Moser’s approaches to Local Boundedness (notes).
- A Geometric Interpretation of Kalman Filtering (presentation).
not math
I like making coffee, collecting used books, and rock climbing. I also like donating previously collected used books after I realize I’ll never read them. I’ve been playing the flute since 2004, which was a while ago. In undergrad and post-grad I played a disgusting amount of Super Smash Brothers Melee for the Nintendo Gamecube and ended up power-ranked in Philadelphia at some point. My favorite languages to program in are lisps and schemes; I wrote a monadic parser after being fed-up with the state of monadic parsers in OCaml, and a matrix utilities library after being fed-up with the state of matrix utilities in OCaml. In order to sway the tides of a political power struggle, I ended up as a co-president of Swarthmore’s Japanese culture group, Kizuna, for a couple of years which was very fun.